The Value Of An Undeserved Gift

Have you ever really experienced peace on earth? Sure, we might have fleeting moments, but finding lasting peace is like chasing the wind. Why is it so evasive in our world?

In 2009, I was working in the corporate world, in a very competitive and hostile environment. To say my life was lacking peace would be an understatement. Colleagues were always striving to outdo one another, to earn their way to the top. 

Our culture teaches us that we must earn our status, love, and happiness—which we expect will bring us peace. But our earthly thinking isn’t that of heaven. Have you ever received an award you didn’t deserve: a first-place trophy when your team lost? Or you won the lottery when you didn’t even buy a ticket? Of course not. But God—even though we did nothing to deserve it—wants to blanket us with love and forgiveness, to give us his peace here on earth. Through the grace of his Son, it’s ours if we will only accept it. 

When I started to volunteer at the North Charleston Dream Center, I found myself surrounded by people who loved Jesus, people who were non-threatening, who had my best interest in mind. I realized I could take the great company of heavenly host with me wherever I went, into whatever situation. I have a team behind me who remind me even in the worst of times that I am loved, valued for who I am, just the way I am. 

Jesus tells us that in this world, we will have trouble—and that can include difficulties during the Christmas season—but if we take heart, stand firm in his promises, we can have the peace Jesus came to bring, because he has overcome this world.