Empowered To Serve

Jesus performed many miracles—miracles of healing, exorcisms, and resurrections. He provided moments of comfort and listening and experiences that exemplified what it meant to serve others with a loving heart. 

In Matthew 17, after the Transfiguration, Jesus performed a miracle by healing a demon-possessed boy. His disciples were unable to heal him, and this left them questioning themselves. During the transfiguration, some of the disciples were on a mountaintop—literally and spiritually. But then, they had to come down to the valley, to real life, where there were problems in front of them that needed to be fixed. The disciples had faith and were given the power to heal those in need, but their focus was on their own capability. So, they were unable to cast out the demon successfully.

It’s accepting in your heart who Jesus is and having faith in the power of God that can give you the supernatural peace and understanding needed to take on what’s in front of you. Faith as small as a mustard seed. We can’t rely on our own ability, but we are empowered when we lean in and trust in God’s power and truth. Then, we can set out and do the things that we were called to do. 

Knowing God and having a relationship with him helps build a servant’s heart. We can be the hands and feet of Jesus by serving others and showing who he is through our time, our giving, and by how we treat others. Having faith and a true understanding and belief of who God is and the power of the Holy Spirit within us is what makes up the foundation in ministry. Jesus wanted to demonstrate how important having faith and trust would be in the disciples’ ministry and for ours. We should feel encouraged by this! 

Whatever is in front of you, take comfort in knowing that if you focus your heart on Jesus, he will walk with you each step of the way. The closer our relationship is with Jesus, the stronger our faith will be in all circumstances. 

We are to be disciples of Jesus here on Earth and to bring others to him by having faith in the Holy Spirit who lives in us and helps us serve with the fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22 – 23: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.